Let’s talk acne!

Farheen Kauser
2 min readJun 29, 2021


Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a long-term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles. Typical features of the condition include blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scarring.

This is what you probably must have read on google when you search about acne.

Acne can start from the age as early as 11–12 or later age like mid-twenties.

Let me begin with my acne struggle story.

Teeny-tiny pimples(acne) popped on my forehead when I was just 12. Since then acne live on my face rent free, until recently(age 21) it started vanishing slowly and mind you this wasn't because of the ONE magical product that we often get to see in ads.

I suffered from varied types of acne like whiteheads, papules and pustules. One has to understand what type of acne they are suffering. Treatment for varied acne is similar but not same. If one is suffering from severe acne please visit a dermatologist to get it under control. They might prescribe accutane tablets (I was prescribed isoshed tablets). DO NOT take this without doctor’s prescription.

Types of acne (image source: Google)

The steps that work to clear mild acne (no kidding):

  1. Salicylic acid is THE SAVIOUR. Use a salicylic acid based facewash, it should be your best friend. Long term usage is recommended. I personally use this facewash https://www.clickoncare.com/deophin-foaming-face-wash-60ml# . It’s amazing and worked really well for me.
  2. Salicylic acid gel to be applied at night times. Sebonac gel(which I personally use)is quite affordable and works wonders.
  3. If you have oily scalp and dandruff using a ketoconazole shampoo is beneficial. As this can help in reducing acne on your forehead which is caused by dandruff. This is what I use https://www.amazon.in/Scalpe-Pro-Anti-dandruff-Shampoo-100ml/dp/B07Q7C4Q45 .
  4. Sunscreen is a MUST. I cannot stress enough on this. Sunscreen should be applied regardless of any skin issue. If you apply all the creams, gels and serums to avoid acne and forget sunscreen then you might not find much difference. There are many non-oily sunscreen out there and Neutrogena Sunscreen is my favorite. https://www.amazon.in/Neutrogena-Ultra-Sheer-Dry-Touch-Sunblock/dp/B00G7RTYT8
  5. Take care of what you eat. Dairy products are big no no. Trust me I have seen huge difference after I stopped all dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and milk sweets. My Dermatologist suggested me to stop Dairy intake.
  6. Finally, stress less!! Your acne will reduce gradually with these steps.

I am not a medical practitioner but a girl who suffered from acne and here to share tips(after lot of research) to overcame it.

Hope this was useful!

PS: This is my first blog ❤



Farheen Kauser

A girl sharing experience and embracing randomness around her ❤